Programa de estimulaci?n de habilidades socioemocionales con ni?os de cinco a?os de jardines p?blicos de Montevideo (Uruguay)


Presa Rodr?guez, Tania; M?ndez Sauane, Mar?a Evangelina

El art?culo se inscribe en la l?nea de estudio sobre bienestar, desarrollo de la primera infancia y desarrollo sostenible. El tema son las habilidades socioemocionales en educaci?n inicial. El abordaje parte de los resultados preliminares generados desde el dise?o y aplicaci?n de un programa de intervenci?n con ni?os de cinco a?os que asisten a jardines p?blicos de la ciudad de Montevideo. Las preguntas-problemas que han motivado esta investigaci?n son: ?en qu? medida las habilidades socioemocionales son facilitadoras de la transici?n de nivel inicial a primer a?o?, ?cu?l es la influencia de las habilidades socioemocionales como predictoras del desempe?o acad?mico en la adquisici?n inicial de la lecto-escritura? Se adopt? una metodolog?a cuantitativa, con un dise?o cuasi-experimental, a trav?s del dise?o, aplicaci?n y evaluaci?n de un programa de intervenci?n. Los resultados hasta el momento se encuentran en desarrollo, pero se puede aventurar una correlaci?n positiva entre habilidades socioemocionales y aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura.
The article is part of the line of study on well-being, early childhood development and sustainable development. The topic of study is socioemotional skills in early education. The approach is based on the preliminary results generated from the design and application of an intervention program with five-year-old children attending public kindergartens in the city of Montevideo. The problem questions that have motivated this research are the following: The research formulates the following questions: to what extent are socioemotional skills facilitators of the transition from initial level to first grade, what is the influence of socioemotional skills as predictors of academic performance in the initial acquisition of reading and writing, and what is the influence of socioemotional skills as predictors of academic performance in the initial acquisition of reading and writing? A quantitative methodology was adopted, with a quasi-experimental design, through the design, implementation and evaluation of an intervention program. The purpose of this article is to describe the general aspects of the research and to focus on the design of the intervention strategy. At the moment the results are in development, and it is possible to venture a positive correlation between socioemotional skills and learning to read and write.

Publication Year
Habilidades socioemocionales
Programa de estimulaci?n
Transici?n educativa
Social-emotional skills
Educational transition
Stimulation program
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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