Diversidad de las estructuras familiares y g?nero: experiencias en educaci?n inicial


Mej?a Celdo, Ang?lica; Palomeque Naula, Evelyn

Este art?culo busca reconocer y caracterizar la diversidad familiar, dentro del contexto de la educaci?n inicial (EI) en Ecuador, m?s all? del modelo tradicional de la familia nuclear heteroparental. La familia nuclear dentro de la escuela invisibiliza a las dem?s estructuras, como las monoparentales, extensas y homoparentales. Reconocer esta diversidad en la escuela es importante, porque cada infante debe conocerla y sentir representada en esta a su propia estructura familiar, sin ning?n estereotipo. La investigaci?n se llev? a cabo en un centro de educaci?n inicial (CEI) de la ciudad de Cuenca, con un enfoque cualitativo, a partir de la etnograf?a y la investigaci?n-acci?n, por ello, se seleccionaron diversas t?cnicas e instrumentos para conocer las perspectivas de la docente, los infantes y las familias. Como resultados, se caracterizaron las estructuras familiares del espacio de estudio y se propuso pensar a las familias, partiendo de la diversidad de cada aula.
This article seeks to recognize and characterize family diversity within the context of Initial Education (IE) in Ecuador, beyond a traditional model of the heteroparental nuclear family. The nuclear family within the school makes other structures such as single, extended and homoparental structures invisible. Recognizing this diversity in school is important because each infant must know it, and feel represented in their own family structure without any stereotype. The research was carried out in an Initial Education Center (IEC) of the city of Cuenca, with a qualitative approach based on ethnography and action research, therefore, various techniques and instruments were selected to know the perspectives of the teacher, infants and families. As results, the family structures of the study space were characterized and it is proposed to think about families starting from the family diversity of each classroom.

Publication Year
Diversidad familiar
Educaci?n inicial
Estructuras familiares
Trabajo educativo
Educational work
First education
Families? structures
Family diversity
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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