La ense?anza de la Matem?tica a trav?s de estrategias did?cticas art?sticas con estudiantes del subnivel medio de Educaci?n B?sica de la Unidad Educativa del Milenio Nela Mart?nez Espinosa


Quinteros S?nchez, Henry Teodoro

La presente investigaci?n se elabor? con los estudiantes del subnivel medio de Educaci?n B?sica de la Unidad Educativa del Milenio ?Nela Mart?nez Espinosa?, de la ciudad de Cuenca, en modalidad virtual por la emergencia sanitaria y un d?a a la semana de manera presencial. Dado que las actividades, recursos y estrategias que utiliza el docente no promueven la metodolog?a activa, el aprendizaje constructivista, seg?n las necesidades de los estudiantes dentro de la modalidad virtual. En este sentido el objetivo de estudio fue ?Establecer una gu?a de estrategias did?cticas que integre las dos ?reas de Matem?tica y Educaci?n Cultural y Art?stica, donde fomenten el aprendizaje constructivista de metodolog?as activas del subnivel medio?. Por tal motivo, la investigaci?n se realiz? desde un paradigma socio cr?tico, mediante un enfoque cualitativo con t?cnicas como: la observaci?n y la entrevista semiestructurada, destinada a estudiantes del subnivel medio centr?ndose en las ?reas de Matem?tica y Educaci?n Cultural y Art?stica. Las t?cnicas de evaluaci?n aplicadas permitieron identificar la importancia de unificar dos ?reas dentro de una gu?a de estrategias did?cticas, provocando satisfacci?n en los estudiantes con esta nueva manera de llevar a cabo una clase con dos asignaturas, acudiendo a recursos did?cticos digitales. Finalmente, la implementaci?n de esta gu?a desarrollada constituye un aporte a la mejora de un aprendizaje constructivista con la intenci?n de fortalecer el proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje.
This research was carried out with the students of the secondary level of Basic Education of the millennium school "Nela Mart?nez Espinosa", in the city of Cuenca, in virtual mode due to the health emergency and one day a week in person. Since the activities, resources and strategies used by the teacher do not promote active methodology, constructivist learning in this modality, according to the needs of the students within this modality. In this sense, the objective of the study was "To establish a guide of didactic strategies that integrates the two areas of Mathematics and Art Education, where they promote the constructivist learning of active methodologies of the middle sublevel". For this reason, it was carried out from a socio-critical paradigm, through a qualitative approach with techniques such as observation and the semi-structured interview. The tools were developed for the students of the intermediate sublevel focusing on the areas of Mathematics and Artistic Education, the same that was implemented from the third week of pre-professional practices. The evaluation techniques applied allowed to identify the importance of unifying two areas within a guide of didactic strategies, causing satisfaction in the students with this new way of carrying out a class with two subjects, using digital didactic resources. Finally, the implementation of this developed a guide to constitute a contribution to the improvement of constructivist learning to strengthen the teaching and learning process.

Publication Year
Educaci?n Cultural
Estrategias did?cticas
Metodolog?a activa
Recursos did?cticos
Artistic Education
Teaching strategies
Active methodology
Teaching resources
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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