La novela realista - indigenista


Espinosa Suasnavas, Viviana Katherine

El objetivo que pretende el estudio de la Novela Realista ecuatoriana es dar a conocer al estudiantado la injusticia social vivida en esa ?poca y con ello concienciar y romper los paradigmas raciales y sociales, comprender y hacer que comprendan que todos somos iguales, que s?lo el conocimiento nos sacar? de la ignorancia en la que vive sumida la sociedad actual donde a?n se etiqueta a las personas por su color de piel, por su forma de vestir o su dialecto. La tem?tica de la novela realista ecuatoriana deja varios aportes a la cultura en diversos ?mbitos como el narrativo, social y econ?mico, ya que se desvelan aspectos de nuestros or?genes; para valorar, mantener y difundir nuestra cultura ancestral al mundo. En esta ocasi?n me enfocar? en una obra literaria como es ?Huasipungo? del autor quite?o Jorge Icaza; y el poema ?Bolet?n y eleg?a de las mitas? de C?sar D?vila, escritor cuencano, el mayor representante ecuatoriano del relato corto.
The objective of the study of the Ecuadorian Realist Novel is to make known to the students the social injustice experienced in that time and with this to raise awareness and break the racial and social paradigms, understand and make them understand that we are all equal, that only knowledge It will take us out of the ignorance in which today's society lives submerged where people are still labeled because of their skin color, their dress or their dialect.The theme of the Ecuadorian realist novel leaves several contributions to culture in various areas such as narrative, social and economic, as they reveal aspects of our origins; to value, maintain and spread our ancestral culture to the world. On this occasion I will focus on a literary work such as "Huasipungo" by the Quito-born author Jorge Icaza; and the poem "Bolet?n y eleg?a de las mitas" by C?sar D?vila, writer from Cuenca, the largest Ecuadorian representative of the short story.

Publication Year
Zona de desarrollo pr?ximo
Ense?anza pragm?tica
Estilos de aprendizaje
Estrategias de aprendizaje
M?todo inductivo
M?todo deductivo
Lengua y Literatura
Zone of proximal development
Pragmatic teaching
Learning styles
Learning strategies
Inductive method
Deductive method
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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