Sentidos de la lecto-escritura: dos libros de texto, dos preparatorias públicas


Guerrero de la Llata, Patricia del Carmen

Humanistic and social investigation guides to man’s knowledge through the analysis of his social structures, thoughts, expressions, and most of his daily actions. The objective of this presentation is to show and recreate the implicit and explicit concept of the textbooks that teachers use for the subject “Taller de Lectura y Redacción” on public high schools at Sonora Mexico. To complete this goal, I’m building my work upon one of the theoretical frameworks of Eliseo Verón, who proposes a discourse theory that clarifies the mediatization that we do on social recognition and production. Discursive mediation has a triadic base and responds to the meaning of the signs based on Gottob Frege’s and Charles Sanders Peirce’s studies. This allows to define the sign-interpreter-object relationship and allows to explain the way in which meaning is produced. I consider that most part of the imaginaries and social representations that high school students have against writing are social constructs, and those are the ones that decide the meanings and principles who give meaning to writing.
El objetivo de esta ponencia es mostrar el concepto implícito o explícito que reproducen los libros de texto que utilizan los profesores para las materias de lecto-escritura en preparatorias públicas de Sonora, México. Para llevar a cabo dicho objetivo, me apoyo en los planteamientos teóricos de Eliseo Verón, quien propone una teoría de los discursos que clarifica la mediatización que realizamos en el reconocimiento y la producción de lo social. Considero que gran parte de los imaginarios y las representaciones sociales que tienen los estudiantes de bachillerato en torno a la escritura son constructos sociales y que son éstos los que determinan los significados y valores que dan al hecho de escribir.

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