Hongos causantes de podredumbres en poscosecha de mora (Rubus glaucus): aislamiento, identificaci?n y evaluaci?n del g?nero m? agresivo.


Vilaplana Ventura, Mar?a Rosa

Background: The blackberry is a food resource of excellent quality. Postharvest losses of blackberries can reach 21% of total production, and is mainly due to fungal rots. The identification of pathogenic fungi responsible for these losses could help to control its development and proliferation. Objective: To isolate and identify different fungi that cause decay during the postharvest period of blackberry, and to establish the most aggressive fungi genus. Methods: Blackberry from the province of Tungurahua in Ecuador was used for the isolation of pathogenic fungi. The fungal strains were purified in Petri plates with PDA medium. The pathogenic fungi were characterized and identified to genus level. Various types of fungi were selected to artificially inoculate in blackberries with two different concentrations, 103 and 105 conidiasmL-1 by two methods, wounding the center of the fruit and immersing the fruits in spore suspensions. In our study were used 432 fruits. The most aggressive fungal genus was determined by calculating the incidence of disease index (IDI) of each mold. The fruits were stored at 4?C and 90% relative humidity up to 14 days. The results were analyzed by ANOVA with a significance level of 95% and with the procedure of Fisher?s least significant difference (LSD). Results: 8 different fungus strains were obtained: Penicillium spp, Botrytis spp, Colletotrichum spp, Mucor spp, Rhizopus spp, Fusarium spp, Geotrichum spp and Cladosporium spp. The highest IDI was obtained with Botrytis spp mold. Conclusions: The two inoculation methods applied in the fruits were effective and caused different rot degrees in the berries (with no statistically significant difference). Botrytis spp was the fungal genus that caused the most severe decay during post harvest period.
Antecedentes: La mora de Castilla constituye un recurso alimentario de excelente calidad. Las p?rdidas durante la poscosecha de los frutos pueden llegar al 21% de la producci?n total y este hecho se debe principalmente a podredumbres f?ngicas. La identificaci?n de los hongos pat?genos responsables de estas p?rdidas podr?a ayudar a controlar su desarrollo y proliferaci?n. Objetivo: Aislar e identificar los diferentes hongos causantes de podredumbres durante el per?odo poscosecha de mora de Castilla y determinar el g?nero de hongo m?s agresivo. M?todos: Para el aislamiento de los hongos pat?genos se utiliz? mora de Castilla proveniente de la provincia de Tungurahua-Ecuador. Se purificaron las cepas obtenidas en placas Petri con medio PDA y se caracterizaron e identificaron a nivel de g?nero. Se inocularon artificialmente suspensiones de esporas de los hongos seleccionados, preparadas a concentraciones de 103 y 105 conidiasmL-1 en moras de Castilla, ya sea mediante una herida en el centro de los frutos, o mediante la inmersi?n de los frutos en las suspensiones. Se utilizaron en total 432 frutos. Se determin? el hongo m?s agresivo por medio del c?lculo del ?ndice de incidencia de enfermedad (IIE). Los frutos se almacenaron a 4oC y 90% de humedad relativa hasta 14 d?as. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante un an?lisis de varianza ANOVA con un nivel de significaci?n del 95% y con el procedimiento de las menores diferencias significativas de Fisher (LSD). Resultados: Se obtuvieron 8 g?neros de hongos diferentes: Penicillium spp, Botrytis spp, Colletotrichum spp, Mucor spp, Rhizopus spp, Fusarium spp, Geotrichum spp y Cladosporium spp. El IIE m?s alto se obtuvo con Botrytis spp. Conclusiones: Los dos m?todos de inoculaci?n aplicados en los frutos fueron efectivos y causaron distintos grados de pudrici?n en las moras (sin presentar diferencias estad?sticamente significativas). El g?nero de hongo causante de la podredumbre m?s severa durante el per?odo poscosecha de la mora de Castilla fue Botrytis spp.
Escuela Polit?cnica Nacional

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Repositorio SENESCYT
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