Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa centralizadora de medios digitales y soluciones estratégicas para móvil marketing


Crespo Mijares, Magdalena Lucila

¿What happens with smartphones around the world in a period of 60 seconds? a web page from the government of Spain says that a total of 23. 148 apps are downloaded; there are 400.710 requests for publicity and people click in 4.111 advertising spots on internet. These are interesting numbers if they are summed as minutes or hours. Reality is that in actuality the smartphone is more than a simple machine to make phonecalls and now it is considered as a multifunctional machine that simplifies our life. In Ecuador there are 16,9 million active phones (, 2013). Considering Ecuador’s population (15 million) ¡It is about 1,5 million phones more than its total people! From that total, 8,4 percent (more than 500 thousand people) have a Smartphone. The importance of recognizing this resource as a marketing tool is the core of our business theme. The attractiveness of the business is based in establishing benefits for the potential business customers. Benefit number 1, is the proximity of this smartphone with the costumer, the second most important benefit is the relation established between this smartphone and its user, and the third and most important benefit: the information that this smartphone provides. The business idea is to develop a strategic ally in what concerns mobile technologies. The proyect will be developed in stages in which in first instance we will have 2 main products as special “packages”. The first product will be advertising in Google and Facebook in their special ads. The second product will be the development of Wap pages. Considering the cyclicity of the products and the constant technological changes, there will be an introduction of new products along the marketing plannification and strategy. The Net Present Value NPV of the project is positive considering an estimation of 5 years. The expected NPV of our business in a leveraged scenery has a total return of 15.401,94 USD with a TIR del 38% and an initial investment of 35.711 USD which includes furniture, computer devises and intangible assets as the constitution of the business and web development. With the information presented in the present research we determine that the project is viable and an interesting option for investment.
¿Qué es lo que sucede en los teléfonos inteligentes de todo el mundo durante 60 segundos? Según del Gobierno de España, se descargan 23. 148 aplicaciones, se producen 400.710 solicitudes de publicidad, o se hace clic en 4.111 anuncios de publicidad entre otras cosas. Son números impactantes si es que sumamos a minutos u horas, y es que en la actualidad el teléfono inteligente ha pasado de ser un simple dispositivo de llamada a ser un aparato multifuncional en nuestras vidas. En el Ecuador se cuentan con 16,9 millones de líneas activas de telefonía móvil según (2013). ¡Es decir 1,5 millones más que su población! De este total, 8,4 por ciento (más de 500 mil personas) poseen un teléfono inteligente. La importancia de reconocer este recurso como una herramienta de mercadeo es el tema central de la propuesta de este negocio…

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Repositorio Universidad de las Américas
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