“Inteligencia emocional y niveles de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en la fundación jóvenes para el futuro”


Toasa Vega, Verónica Elizabeth

El presente trabajo investigativo tiene como finalidad determinar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en la Fundación Jóvenes para el Futuro, la población consta de adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos en su totalidad alrededor de 75 personas consumidores, entre las sustancias de mayor consumo se encuentran el alcohol, tabaco, marihuana y cocaína. La inteligencia emocional cumple una función indispensable sobre la mayoría de las áreas desempeñadas las cuales repercuten en el éxito y la autorrealización de un individuo, es por ello que esta investigación surge de la vital importancia en esta población vulnerable, conociendo que al desarrollar estrategias de afrontamiento para utilizar las emociones como una actividad inteligente, mejorará el estilo de vida y por ende la rehabilitación de los participantes conjuntamente con el bienestar integral. En la Provincia de Tungurahua el consumo Sustancias Psicoactivas es un tema de suma importancia, debido a que existe una tendencia al aumento en los indicadores de prevalencia y disminución en la edad de inicio de consumo, lo que muestra que este fenómeno se presenta progresivamente en mayor cantidad en adolescentes, sin embargo esto no descarta a los jóvenes y adultos en menor población pero de mayor nivel de consumo, como se presenta en la Fundación Jóvenes para el Futuro.
This research work aims to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and the use of psychoactive substances in the Youth Foundation for the Future, the user population is adolescents, youth and adults in their entirety consumers about 75 people, among the substances most are alcohol consumption, snuff, marijuana and cocaine. Emotional intelligence meets a vital role over most areas carried Which affect the success and self-realization of Guy UN is why this research wave of vital importance in This vulnerable population, knowing that in developing Coping for use emotions as an intelligent activity, improve Lifestyle and therefore the Rehabilitation of Participants jointly with wellness. In the province of Tungurahua Psychoactive Substances Consumption is a paramount issue DUE queue There is an increasing trend in the prevalence indicators and decrease in the age of onset of consumption, showing that this phenomenon occurs progressively mayor amount in teens, this sin embargo does not rule out the Youth and Adult Population Level But Mayor consumption, as presented in the Youth Foundation for the Future. Emotional intelligence plays a leading role on most areas of an individual performed which affect the success and self-realization of an individual, which is why this research arises from the vital importance in this vulnerable population, knowing that in developing coping strategies to use emotions as an intelligent activity, improved lifestyle and therefore the rehabilitation of users together with wellness. In the province of Tungurahua consuming psychoactive substances it has been a subject of great importance, because there is an increasing trend in prevalence indicators and decrease in the age of first use, which shows that this phenomenon is gradually presented in most in teenagers, however this does not preclude young people and adults in lower population but higher level of consumption, as presented in the Youth Foundation for the Future

Publication Year
Repositorio Universidad Técnica de Ambato
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