“Quiste maxilar secundario a ameloblastoma”


Campos Moposita, María de los Ángeles.

El presente caso clínico tiene como finalidad analizar el quiste maxilar secundario a ameloblastoma en una paciente de 23 años de edad, residente en Latacunga, con antecedentes de sinusitis tratadas empíricamente, además que cursa tercer trimestre de embarazo; acude a casa de salud, por presentar un crecimiento lento y progresivo de masa en hemicara derecha causando deformidad, dolor, parestesias y molestias oculares. En la Tomografía axial y computarizada se observa lesión quística localizada en el antro maxilar derecho la cual produce expansión y destrucción de la pared medial y de la pared anterior del mismo, hacia su porción superior adosada al piso de la órbita se observa una pieza dentaria correspondiente al canino con destrucción ósea. Acude a Cirujano Maxilo Facial quien diagnostica quiste maxilar decidiendo su resolución quirúrgica debido al compromiso funcional y estético, realizando exceresis de masa y estableciendo un diagnóstico de ameloblastoma sólido. El objetivo que persigue el análisis de caso es analizar los diferentes métodos de diagnóstico y terapéuticos para la detección, intervención y tratamiento de los inmediatos y oportunos casos de ameloblastomas. Al llegar a la conclusión del análisis de caso de identifico los factores de riesgo que influyen al cuadro clínico como es el crecimiento de la masa por aproximadamente 3 centímetros, procesos de inflamación y parestesias como síntoma secundario. La visita al especialista por consulta privada logró establecer un seguimiento adecuado para evitar posibles complicaciones. Finalmente se describe el tratamiento quirúrgico utilizado siendo la exceresis y colocación de placa recuperando la funcionalidad y estética de la parte afectada.
The aim of this present case is to analyze the maxillary cyst secondary to ameloblastoma in a 23-year-old patient living in Latacunga, with a history of sinusitis treated empirically, in addition to the third trimester of pregnancy; Goes to health home, for presenting a slow and progressive growth of mass in right hemicara causing deformity, pain, paresthesias and eye discomfort. Axial and computerized tomography shows a cystic lesion located in the right maxillary antrum which causes expansion and destruction of the medial wall and the anterior wall of the same, towards its upper portion attached to the floor of the orbit is a corresponding tooth to the canine with bone destruction. Maxillo Facial Surgeon who diagnoses maxillary cyst decides its surgical resolution due to the functional and aesthetic commitment, performing mass exceresis and establishing a diagnosis of solid ameloblastoma. The objective of the case analysis is to analyze the different diagnostic and therapeutic methods for the detection, intervention and treatment of immediate and timely cases of ameloblastoma. At the conclusion of the case analysis, we identified the risk factors that influence the clinical picture, such as the growth of the mass for approximately 3 centimeters, inflammation processes and paresthesias as a secondary symptom. The visit to the specialist by private consultation managed to establish an adequate follow-up to avoid possible complications. Finally the surgical treatment used is described, being the exceresis and plaque placement recovering the functionality and aesthetics of the affected part. The aim of this present case is to analyze the maxillary cyst secondary to ameloblastoma in a 23-year-old patient living in Latacunga, with a history of sinusitis treated empirically, in addition to the third trimester of pregnancy; Goes to health home, for presenting a slow and progressive growth of mass in right hemicara causing deformity, pain, paresthesias and eye discomfort. Axial and computerized tomography shows a cystic lesion located in the right maxillary antrum which causes expansion and destruction of the medial wall and the anterior wall of the same, towards its upper portion attached to the floor of the orbit is a corresponding tooth to the canine with bone destruction. Maxillo Facial Surgeon who diagnoses maxillary cyst decides its surgical resolution due to the functional and aesthetic commitment, performing mass exceresis and establishing a diagnosis of solid ameloblastoma. The objective of the case analysis is to analyze the different diagnostic and therapeutic methods for the detection, intervention and treatment of immediate and timely cases of ameloblastoma. At the conclusion of the case analysis, we identified the risk factors that influence the clinical picture, such as the growth of the mass for approximately 3 centimeters, inflammation processes and paresthesias as a secondary symptom. The visit to the specialist by private consultation managed to establish an adequate follow-up to avoid possible complications. Finally the surgical treatment used is described, being the exceresis and plaque placement recovering the functionality and aesthetics of the affected part.

Publication Year
Repositorio Universidad Técnica de Ambato
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