Aplicaci?n de la metodolog?a juego trabajo en la virtualidad en el Centro de Educaci?n Inicial Antonio Borrero Vega Cuenca-Ecuador


Brayan Daniel, Cusco Yungaicela; Urgil?s Meza, Cristopher Eduardo

La investigaci?n tiene como finalidad implementar una gu?a de estrategias did?cticas enfocadas en la metodolog?a juego trabajo y el uso de las tecnolog?as de la informaci?n y comunicaci?n (TIC) que contribuya al proceso de aprendizaje de los ni?os del subnivel 2B del Centro de Educaci?n Inicial CEI ?Antonio Borrero Vega? Cuenca-Ecuador?. Este estudio se da desde un enfoque cualitativo, debido a que se quiso reconocer el conocimiento de aspectos o fen?menos, que surgieron en el contexto de pr?cticas. Por tanto, el paradigma que se utiliz? es el socio cr?tico, dado que, se tuvo contacto directo con el objeto de estudio, con el prop?sito de comprender y transformar la realidad educativa, desde procesos de reflexi?n-acci?n entre la teor?a y la pr?ctica. Para la recolecci?n de informaci?n, se emple? la entrevista, la encuesta y diarios de campo como principales t?cnicas, para la interpretaci?n y comprensi?n del contexto estudiado, donde el m?todo que gui? el trabajo fue la Investigaci?n Acci?n (IA). En cuanto a los referentes te?ricos, entre los principales se cuenta con los aportes del Curr?culo de Educaci?n Inicial 2014, Piaget, Vigotsky, Montessori y Decroly. Para la obtenci?n de los resultados en la fase del diagn?stico, se realiz? una triangulaci?n, la misma que ayud? a apreciar que los docentes confunden los momentos del juego trabajo con los de la experiencia de aprendizaje. Asimismo, en la propuesta de intervenci?n educativa, se evalu? el proceso de implementaci?n que ayud? a tener como resultado que la gu?a es aplicable en la virtualidad y se brind? a los ni?os actividades acorde al nuevo contexto. En conclusi?n, la ejecuci?n de las estrategias did?cticas, permiti? verificar que el juego trabajo en esta nueva modalidad si es aplicable y se puede llevar a cabo su adecuado procedimiento.
This investigation has the objective to implement a manual of didactic strategies that focus on the methodology of play-work, the use of technology information and communication (TIC). The main purpose of this project is to contribute to the learning process of early childhood education from level 2B from the Center of Education CEI ?Antonio Borrero Vega? Cuenca-Ecuador. This study aims a special qualitative approach due to the recognition of several aspects and phenomena that surged from the context of different practices. Therefore, the paradigm that was used is the social criticism due to direct contact with the studied object. This investigation has the function to understand and transform the reality of education since the process of reflection and action between theory and practice. The required information was collected through interviews, polls and registered information. The data that was gathered were the main techniques that were used in order to have an accurate interpretation and comprehension of the context studied. Action Investigation (IA) was found to be an essential method that led to this finding. The contributions from the curriculum of Early childhood education 2014, Piaget, Vigotsky, Montessory and Decroly were the theoretical referents from this study. In order to obtain the results from the phase of diagnosis, several qualitative approaches were implemented. The same strategies helped to find that teachers usually have a difficult time understanding this methodology between learning and knowledge that are being instrumented. In addition, in the initiative of education intervention, the process of implementation was evaluated because it had the purpose to obtain a result of the manual of didactic strategies that are applicable for the access and the use of information that is being portrayed from humanity. Also, children's activities were provided depending on the new context. In conclusion, the execution of didactic strategies permitted to verify that this methodology is the new modality given that is already applicable and it can be done by this process.

Publication Year
Estrategias did?cticas
Didactic strategies
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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