Desarrollo de la lectura recreativa en estudiantes de s?ptimo a?o de Educaci?n Primaria


Esp?n Capelo, Betty Elizabeth

El presente documento est? orientado a la implementaci?n de la unidad did?ctica: ?Desarrollo de la lectura recreativa en estudiantes de S?ptimo a?o de Educaci?n Primaria?, es un trabajo basado en las experiencias pedag?gicas en el aula, as? como de investigaciones referentes a la lectura recreativa. El objetivo general propuesto fue desarrollar estrategias cognitivas para fomentar en los estudiantes una lectura recreativa y aplicar en situaciones cotidianas de la vida, para lo cual se aplicaron diferentes actividades, de las cuales se obtuvieron varios resultados, entre los principales se puede citar el inter?s y placer que demuestran por leer diferentes tipos de textos, el entusiasmo que expresan al organizar su propia biblioteca. Como conclusi?n final se puede manifestar que aport? significativamente al mejoramiento de la pr?ctica docente en el aula, a fomentar estrategias de lecto-escritura con los estudiantes para potencializar en ellos el h?bito lector y gusto por la lectura.
This document is oriented to the implementation of the didactic unit: "Development of recreational reading in students of Seventh Year of Primary Education", is a work based on the pedagogical experiences in the classroom, as well as research related to recreational reading. The general objective was to develop cognitive strategies to encourage recreational reading and apply in everyday situations of life, for which different activities were applied, of which several results were obtained, among the main ones we can cite the interest and pleasure shown by reading different types of texts, the enthusiasm they express when organizing their own library. As a final conclusion, it can be stated that it contributed significantly to the improvement of the teaching practice in the classroom, to encourage reading and writing strategies with the students to empower them in the reading habit and taste for reading.

Publication Year
Lectura recreativa
Biblioteca escolar
Recreational reading
Towards reading
School library
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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