Evaluaci?n del impacto de la Auditor?a Educativa en la Gesti?n de la Calidad de los est?ndares del desempe?o directivo en la Escuela ?Alfonso Mar?a Borrero?


Morocho Quishpi, Catalina Magaly; Feijoo Mendieta, David Antonio

El presente trabajo de titulaci?n est? orientado en evaluar el impacto de la Auditor?a Educativa en la Gesti?n de la Calidad de los est?ndares de desempe?o directivo en la Escuela ?Alfonso Mar?a Borrero?. La metodolog?a contempla un estudio de caso ?nico (Stake, 1999; Yin, 2009) en ambiente natural y con un enfoque cualitativo. Para el estudio de la problem?tica en la instituci?n se aplic? el m?todo investigaci?n?acci?n, los instrumentos de recolecci?n de informaci?n se fueron la entrevista, encuesta, grupos focales y revisi?n documental. Los resultados de la investigaci?n determinaron que los informes de Auditor?a Educativa se asocian a la realidad institucional y la ejecuci?n de la Auditor?a Regular General (ARG) y Auditor?a de Seguimiento a la Auditor?a Regular General (A-SARG) se ha realizado con base al Manual de Auditor?a de Calidad. El equipo directivo no ha informado de manera oportuna los procesos de auditor?a a toda la comunidad educativa; la toma de decisiones, estrategias y seguimiento ha carecido de un Plan de Mejora para cumplir las recomendaciones de Auditor?a Educativa; los actores educativos identificaron de manera descontextualizada el prop?sito de la Auditor?a Educativa y la evaluaci?n externa a los est?ndares del Desempe?o Profesional Directivo (DI) en el a?o lectivo 2020-2021 mostr? que la gesti?n de la calidad educativa ha disminuido significativamente respecto a la ARG efectuada el a?o 2016.
This degree work is aimed at evaluating the impact of the Educational Audit on the Quality Management of the executive performance standards at the ?Alfonso Mar?a Borrero? School. The methodology includes a single case study (Stake, 1999; Yin, 2009) in a natural environment and with a qualitative approach. For the study of the problems in the institution, the research-action method was applied, the information gathering instruments were the interview, survey, focus groups and documentary review. The results of the investigation determined that the Educational Audit reports are associated with the institutional reality and the execution of the Regular General Audit (ARG) and Follow-up Audit of the Regular General Audit (A-SARG) has been carried out based on the Manual Quality Audit. The management team has not reported the audit processes to the entire educational community in a timely manner; decision-making, strategies and follow-up have lacked an Improvement Plan to comply with the recommendations of the Educational Audit; The educational actors identified in a decontextualized way the purpose of the Educational Audit and the external evaluation of the standards of Professional Executive Performance (DI) in the 2020-2021 school year showed that the management of educational quality has significantly decreased compared to the ARG carried out the year 2016.
Especialista en Gesti?n de la Calidad en Educaci?n

Publication Year
Auditor?a Educativa
Evaluaci?n externa
Gesti?n de calidad
Informe de Auditor?a
Mejora continua
Educational Audit
External Evaluation
Audit Report
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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