Gu?a did?ctica con recursos digitales para desarrollar el proceso de ense?anza en qu?mica del 1ro BGU en la UE ?C?sar D?vila Andrade?


Chalco Landi, Elsa Maribel; Gavilanes Bu?ay, Diana Paola

La presente investigaci?n aborda una gu?a did?ctica con recursos digitales para desarrollar el proceso de ense?anza en qu?mica del 1ro BGU en la U.E. C?sar D?vila Andrade, a partir de una problem?tica identificada en la dificultad del docente en el proceso de ense?anza en la asignatura de qu?mica, para lo cual se realiza una investigaci?n bibliogr?fica de diversos autores como: M?ndez, Cuar?n que mencionan instrumentos que recopilen recursos ?tiles para el docente y Nakamatsu que se refiere a la qu?mica y ense?anza de la qu?mica. Al mismo tiempo, se aplican m?todos: estudio de caso, observaci?n tambi?n; instrumentos de investigaci?n como: la entrevista, diarios de campo, gu?a de observaci?n, los cuales se emplearon para el levantamiento de una l?nea base de investigaci?n que permite evaluar el proceso de ense?anza del docente de la materia de qu?mica. A partir de los resultados del diagn?stico obtenidos a trav?s de la entrevista, al docente, estudiantes y rectora de la instituci?n, quienes manifiestan la preparaci?n del docente en materias del tronco com?n como matem?tica, f?sica y no tiene experiencia en la materia de qu?mica, pese a todo eso, sus esfuerzos por la b?squeda de material y contenido en la materia; es diverso y en ocasiones las fuentes no son confiables que dificultan hallar material id?neo o accesible para mejorar el proceso de ense?anza en la materia de qu?mica. En conclusi?n, se evidenci? mediante la aplicaci?n de instrumentos de investigaci?n, m?todos y an?lisis bibliogr?fico, as? como la existencia de un fen?meno educativo como es la dificultad en la ense?anza de la qu?mica de primero de BGU y que nos encamina a la b?squeda de alternativas para colaborar al docente a mejorar el proceso educativo.
The research reveals the difficulty of the teacher in teaching the subject of chemistry in which the research question is: How to collaborate in the process of teaching the subject of chemistry of 1st BGU to the U.E teacher "C?sar D?vila Andrade"? To answer the research question, a bibliographic research was carried out by various authors such as: M?ndez, Cuar?n who mention instruments that collect useful resources for the teacher and Nakamatsu who refers to chemistry and teaching chemistry. At the same time, methods are applied: case study, observation as well; research instruments such as: the interview, field diaries, observation guide, which were used for the survey of a baseline of research that allows evaluating the teaching process of the teacher of the subject of chemistry. As for the results obtained through the interview, the teacher, students and rector of the institution who manifest the preparation of the teacher in subjects of the common core such as mathematics, physics and has no experience in the subject of chemistry, despite all that, their efforts to search for material and content in the subject; this is diverse and sometimes the sources are not reliable make it difficult to find suitable or accessible material to improve the teaching process in the field of chemistry. In conclusion, it was evidenced through the application of research instruments, methods and bibliographic analysis, as well as the existence of an educational phenomenon such as the difficulty in teaching chemistry first of BGU and that leads us to the search for alternatives to collaborate with the teacher to improve the educational process.

Publication Year
Gu?a did?ctica
Recursos digitales
Didactic guide
Digital resources
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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